
Sunday, July 1, 2012


At the beginning of June we took our first big family trip to Texas so Daniel's side of the family could meet Demitri. They were all so anxious for us to get there, time could not go by fast enough.
Our flight left at 6:30 am so we left the house around 4. We got to the airport and started checking in, only to discover that umm I forgot my whole wallet with my ID and everything in it. Awesome. The girl behind the counter printed our tickets for us and we had to go over to security right away to talk to them.
I felt so horrible. TSA let me through and on the plane with pretty much no fuss but I felt like such a dummy. I remembered everything else we needed but forgot my stupid wallet. Needless to say Daniel now carries one of my IDs with him, just in case.

So, Demitri had his first plane trip and he did fantastic! The only time he fussed with when he was hungry and needed a diaper change. Which seemed to be often, I kid you not the kid pooped more while on the plane that he has at one time ever. Each take off-he pooped, halfway through the flight- he pooped, on landing-he pooped, at our layover-he pooped. You get the idea.

When we finally landed in Texas, Daniel's mom, sister and two youngest nieces were waiting for us. Cheryl (Daniel's mom) was already crying before we even walked. They had their phones out and were taking a ton of pictures right away sending them to the rest of the family that was not able to be there. Who in turn were all going nuts waiting for us to get back.

Here we are in the car, wearing our sunglasses to block out some of the crazy (humid) sun.

Once we got back to the town he was just the center of attention! As you can clearly see cameras were everywhere and there was always somebody wanting to hold him. Which he was fine with so long as he could see either daddy or myself. But over all he took to them right away and definitely loved the attention that he was getting. 

The whole week we just spent time with family hanging out. We went to and saw Madagascar 3 with all the girls one day (oh my gosh it's hilarious!), out to eat a couples times, shopping. Daddy also took Demitri on the 4wheeler around the property a couple times!

Our little gangster (yes, he is flipping off the camera, which I did not notice till after posting this on Facebook)

Another picture proving how much he was the center of attention! Little stinker just ate it all up to. I can't say I blame them though I see him all the time and have a hard time taking my eyes off him he's just so stinkin' cute!

We had a great time visiting with everybody, and we're hoping that when we start having more money coming in that we will be able to make it out to visit twice a year or at the least once, either in summer or over spring break.


  1. Those are some GREAT pictures Liz! Glad you guys enjoyed your trip.

  2. Thanks Saili! We definitely had fun!
