
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ten weeks old

We've been doing a lot more tummy time these days. Demitri has been doing great and will roll from tummy to back (he has been for a while now but not consistent till recently and not intentionally, now you can tell that he is wanting to) we are still working on going from back to tummy. I have no doubt that with in the next month he will be the rollin' baby king.
Which means that crawling will be "right behind" but I'm not going to think about that yet, I just enjoy everyday as it is! He's growing up so fast though. I can't believe that he is already 2 1/2 months old that means 3 months-1/4 of a year is right around the corner. Speaking of things that are right around the corner Mothers day is just two weeks away as well and Daniel has already started to tease me saying that he's getting things all planned. I am excited for mothers day, it will be the first mothers day that I will be recognized as a mother. I will finally be holding my baby in my arms on that day and it will be a happy day for me, for us.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. I just ran into it while looking for some other mommy blogs. Your son is adorable. Don't worry have at least 4-5 more months before he's crawling :-)
