
Monday, October 31, 2011

26 weeks! and Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody!
This used to be my favorite holiday and still probably is.
I love decorating for it and seeing all the kids dressed up having a blast (getting free candy) it makes me excited for when D is big enough for Daniel and I to dress him up and take him out. Daniel has actually already been talking about it. He says that next October (D will be 8 almost 9 months old) he wants to dress him up as Yoda and he will dress up as Luke Skywalker (from The Empire Strikes Back) and carry him around in the Ergo carrier on his back.
Super cute idea, I totally love it, but I'm thinking that 8 months old is a little to young for his first time trick-or-treating, maybe the following year when he is a year and a half old though!

Today consisted of helping Daniel with his school geography project, decorating the house, and throwing together very last minute Halloween costumes.

26 week baby bump!

And Halloween costumes!
Daniel and my brother are both Jedi. Daniel has had his costume for a while but I made my brothers throughout this month. Not to bad for spending no money on it.Then my sister and her friend. She just grabbed some cat ears and a tail then drew on the whiskers (and I talked her into letting me throw glitter on her) her friend we had wear Daniels suit and had him go as a 50's gangster.She kept saying that she wish she had something better to wear but I told her the costume doesn't matter that much so long as she has fun!

Hope you all stay safe and have a Happy Halloween!


  1. You look so good!!! Love that baby bump:-)

  2. Love the costumes!! You did good on your brothers!! You look so good. I look 10 more weeks pregnant than you do haha and I'm only 2 weeks ahead! Love that baby bump:-)
