
Saturday, October 22, 2011

"You're so tiny"

Daniel and I went to the mall today, I have been needing to get a couple new cami tops (I needed a black one and the white one I had is this ugly dingy-gray-white color) and I wanted to try and find a regular pair of jean that I could use when I go get my maternity pictures taken.
At each store we stopped at the clerk said pretty much the same thing "Wow, you're 6 months pregnant? I never would have guessed, you can hardly even tell that you are." One girl was like "I would have guessed maybe 3 months but not 6" Which I think that I look a little big for 3 months but then I remember that people have this weird view on what a pregnant woman should look like and that each woman's body responds so differently to pregnancy it is impossible to say what ones bump in a specific month should look like.
I got some smiles and laughs out of the comments, but it made me think/hope that by the time December 3rd roles around I have a bump that is obvious enough because right now it's still only noticeable when looking at me from the side, don't get me wrong I'm really starting to love it now and get really used to it so I'm not as self-conscious as I was just a few weeks ago.

Anyways the last couple days D has been crazy active. Friday I don't think that more than a hour went by without feeling some sort of crazy "Jedi training". I kid you not from the time I woke up around 8 that morning till whenever I fell asleep he was just nonstop groovin'. Man I love this kid so much already!

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