
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Tuesday

Tomorrow is Wednesday which means we will be half way through the week and closer to the weekend! Really who ever came up with a 5 day work week was stupid, I think that a 4/3 ration would be far more beneficial.

Oh and here is my fun little fertility doodad, it made me smile this morning to see it peak! (I knew it was going to cause that's what it was last cycle as well. The clearblue digital ovulation predictor tests seem to detect the LH hormone very easily.)
We've done what we can for now all we can do is pray that the timing was right. Tomorrow marks day one of the (dreaded) two week wait.


  1. Hi, love the look of your blog. Popped over from hop along tueday. I am your newest follower. Feel free to check me out on

    Karen :-)

  2. Hi!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! I am returning the love:) And good luck with TTC! I hope this is your month! Pretty much everyone I know (including myself) that has used the monitor has gotten pregnant pretty fast; I hope the same is true for yourself! :)
