
Friday, April 22, 2011

Last minute trip to Disney

Daniel hungry

yummy clam chowder for me!

nom nom Gumbo for Daniel

my sweet new R2D2 hat

Love having annual Disney passes. When Daniel got home from class today I asked if he would like to go to Disney, he said sure to off we went. We had a small hick-up with the "security" giving him problems over his lightsaber. (Yes my husband carries around a lightsaber with him, not one of the plastic ones this is one that he had made up.) Anyways last couple times we had gone to Disney there was no issues with him bringing his lightsaber in with him, but today we got a lady with a stick up her butt who was just looking to start some trouble. So that was annoying but we didn't let it ruin the rest of our day. It was very crowded for a Thursday, I was expecting that most everybody was done with spring break by now and the park would be fairly "empty", but it wasn't. At least it wasn't as crowded as it will be once summer is here. Next Disney trip should be May 4th. Points to who ever can tell me what is celebrated on May 4th!


  1. I am so jealous! LOL!! I would die to live not only in Florida in general, but close enough to Disney to just randomly go whenever!! How fun!!

  2. Lucky for me we don't live in FL we live in CA by the original Disney park lol. I can't stand the FL humidity!

  3. Man every one is going to Disney Land but me :( Guess I need to make a trip. Looks like you had fun.
    I am now following you back
