
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

15 weeks!

Today's the day! Hopefully we will be finding out the gender this afternoon! But, as always before an appointment I'm nervous.
So the poll is in on facebook and my friends are split almost evenly on what they think Bug's gender is. Guesses for boy pulled a head by a few votes last night but they're still almost exactly split. I really honestly would love a boy first but I really don't care what the gender is so long as I know that he/she is healthy and growing right on track. I'm just most excited about having a name stick once we know and being able to finally call him/her by name and just feel so much more bonded. I just hope Bug cooperates and gives us a nice look in between his/her legs!

-This week your baby is about the size of a pear weights about 3.5 ounces and is approximately 4.5+ inches long.
-This week the three small bones in your baby’s inner ear start forming this week, so it will soon be able to hear you!
-This week your baby’s legs are finally longer than its arms and its little head is no longer the biggest part of their body.


  1. yay!!! Can't wait for the gender reveal!

  2. Can't wait to see if IntelliGender was right for you! Hope you get your boy first! :)

    April @ Mama on a Green Mission
