
Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's a................

You ready for it? Here we go baby bug is a........

a BOY! No denying it!

At first he was not wanting to open up his legs at all so there was no way we were going to be able to find out so we spent some time checking everything else out and after giving him a belly-quake (laughing hard a a minute) he moved around enough and opened up his legs and there was no denying that he is all boy! Daddy was stoked and grinning from ear to ear the whole time but he was definitely stoked that he was right.

On the way home we stopped at Build-A-Bear and made him his first teddy bear. It's blue (for boy) and we got a little Jedi outfit for him. It's so cute and I'm sure once he is older he will love it and it will be one of his favorite things.

We already have a name picked out but we decided not to share it until he is born (unless we accidentally spill the beans or the get to excited and tell) we figured that would be a good last surprise for family.
I will be posting more pictures tomorrow but it's late and I am exhausted so the little man and I are heading to bed.


  1. I fully support you not telling the name on your blog. Especially after someone from the blog spilled the beans to family that you were pregnant in the first place. Congrats! I am green with envy hoping my turn comes soon!

  2. Yay!! Glad that you and baby are healthy - and how fun to make him his first teddy bear!

  3. Yay Congratulations!!!!!! So exciting, let the blue times roll :-)

  4. Congratulations! What a special gift! I'm so happy for you! If I someday get that BFP, I'm keeping the name a secret too ;) Loooove the jedi build-a-bear, too cute!

  5. Congrats!!! That happened to a manager at my work, she just went for an ultrasound to find out the sex and the baby had it's legs together. They go for a 3D one soon, so hopefully they'll find out then.
    But again, congrats on having a boy!!!
