
Monday, December 19, 2011

Anne Geddes Giveaway (Dec 21-Jan 2)

Anne Geddes is an Australian born photographer (clothing designer and business woman) famous for her breath taking newborn photography and maternity photos. She has available for purchase her most recent book, published in 2010, of amazing photos that she has taken called Beginnings. The retail price for this book is $50 but it can be yours for *free* through this giveaway. The photos in this book are simply spectacular and for anybody who considers themselves to be a fan of her work it would probably be considered a must have. Here is a sneak of some of the amazing photos you will see in this book! (Photos provided by Barnes & Noble and property of Anne Geddes)

Beautiful aren't they?
So now you can enter for your chance to own this book, all you have to do is pay for shipping which should be only around $5! The entry form will be open from December 21, 2011 and close January 2, 2012. This is a long giveaway and gives you plenty of time to get entries in. So have fun and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

First bonus is if you share this giveaway before the contest starts on Dec 21 you can claim +3 entry!


  1. Hopefully the RaffleCopter entry form is set up properly, if not I will try and fix it as soon as the giveaway actually starts.

  2. I'd love to win the book because I just love Anne Geddes photos and I'm obsessed with babies.
