
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ten weeks old

We've been doing a lot more tummy time these days. Demitri has been doing great and will roll from tummy to back (he has been for a while now but not consistent till recently and not intentionally, now you can tell that he is wanting to) we are still working on going from back to tummy. I have no doubt that with in the next month he will be the rollin' baby king.
Which means that crawling will be "right behind" but I'm not going to think about that yet, I just enjoy everyday as it is! He's growing up so fast though. I can't believe that he is already 2 1/2 months old that means 3 months-1/4 of a year is right around the corner. Speaking of things that are right around the corner Mothers day is just two weeks away as well and Daniel has already started to tease me saying that he's getting things all planned. I am excited for mothers day, it will be the first mothers day that I will be recognized as a mother. I will finally be holding my baby in my arms on that day and it will be a happy day for me, for us.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Water dragon

The weather has been so nice that we have been spending our free time at the beach and pool. Demitri seemed to enjoy his first trip to the beach (minus the sun being in his eyes) the didn't mind getting his feet wet or touching the sand. Daniel's friend Kevin is already trying to get him on a surf board, he just needs to learn to actually swim first. After his first trip to the beach he had his first trip to the pool. We actually only took him in the hot tub but he enjoyed it and splashed around a little bit, our little (Chinese) water dragon might be a water loving baby after all. Beach time with mommy!
Hot tubbin' with dad!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

8 weeks old & baby's first Easter!

I'm just a tad bit late with this posting considering he is 9 weeks old now close to being 10 weeks, but here is Demitri's 8 week/1st Easter pictures.

I had been so excited for his first Easter, giving him his basket, pictures, and just spending our first real holiday together as a family. The day went great. We skipped the Easter Sunday service at church since we went Friday evening (to avoid the crowd) so that morning we got up and helped Demitri go through the basket that we put together for him.
He may not have been excited for his basket or gifts but I had fun putting it together and getting pictures. His basket had: 2 new gDiapers, a new outfit (jeans and a jacket), teether chew toy, toy car keys, and a stuffed Darth Vader with bunny ears all stuffed in a Yoda bucket.
Daddy also helped Demitri go egg hunting, he "found" five eggs.

That afternoon after going through his basket and hunting for eggs we went to a picnic lunch, which ended in a whipped cream and water gun fight.

It ended up being a great day with my little family!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Help us win! Please.

So I entered Demitri into a facebook photo contest, and the prize is 6 free sitting and 50% off prints. If you would help us out and go to Michele Parsley Photography and like her page, and then like the picture of Demitri, I would appreciate it SO much! I would love to win and be able to get professional pictures of him at each milestone and holiday!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gdiapers (review)

Per request here is a short little review post about one of our favorite cloth diaper brands-Gdiapers. Cute, trim, and easy!

Demitri's first cloth diaper, actually the first diaper ever to be on his bum, was a XS Gdiaper. They were the perfect choice for use because they have a snap down making them umbilical cord stump safe.
Now, a lot of people are turned off from cloth diapering because they think that it will be to difficult and time consuming. That you have to use big pre-folds, safety pins, and ugly rubber pants.

But Gdiapers make it EASY. So easy in fact that they convinced my husband that cloth diapering full time would be just as simple as if we were to use disposable diapers. They are now his favorite brand of diapers to use on Demitri and asks that I buy more so they can be what our diaper stash is made of.

Gdiapers are pretty darn simple.
They kind of remind me of disposable diaper as far as their fastening goes. There are Velcro tabs on both sides that you open up and pull to the back fastening the diaper closed. And yes, I said to the back, compared to a traditional diaper Gdiapers are put on backwards, but they are still super easy to do. At first Daniel did not like they way they closed so he did actually put them on backwards but after a few times of putting them on Demitri the way they are intended to go he was used to it.

Gdiapers come in 4 different sizes: XS, S, M, and L. Which means that as your baby grows you need to get the next size up vs a one-size which will grow with your baby. But Gdiapers are very resonibly priced each cloth cover is only $20 and you can reuse them multiple times. How? Well Gdiapers have snap in PUL (water proof) liners along with hemp cloth inserts. So when one of your cloth inserts becomes soiled you only have to snap out the liner, snap in a clean one, and put a new insert in. Easy-peasy
Gdiapers also have biodegradable disposable inserts. So if washing the cloth inserts isn't your thing or you want to use a form of disposable (without using an actual disposable diaper) while on vacation or away from home, then these are a good option!

So, that is about it for Gdiapers. I would definitely recommend adding them as part of your stash or even for the whole thing, like I said they are super easy aka daddy proof. If you want to try out Gdiapers you can order them online from and on orders $100 or more use the code TRYIT for 10 off + FREE shipping on orders $75 or more.

Remember no matter what type of diaper you use nothing says I love you like a clean one.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

7 weeks old

Demitri you are 7 weeks old today.

The last weeks (or two) have been really crazy. They have gone by so fast and while you haven't changed much you have changed so much.
We have been off of the nipple shield for, hmm, over a week now and while we struggled the first 3 or 4 days of being without it you are now nursing like a champ as though we never had any issues with breastfeeding, and while it may sound silly to some I am so proud of you!

I can't wait for your first Easter! Dad and I were shopping for things to put into your basket and I found a lot of stuff that I would like to get you but that you would not need or be able to use till you are older so those things will wait till Christmas. You wont remember your first Easter at all but it will be our first as a family!

Well you are fussing again so it must be time for you to eat.

Love you kiddo