
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6 months

I'm late getting these posted because I did not have my good camera. My lens got a crack in it and had to be sent of and fixed, so it was a long two weeks without a proper camera. But, little man in half a year old now! I cannot believe how much he has grown over these six months. We made it a fill six months with only breastmilk as his food which I was so happy and proud of! He's started crawling, saying DaDa and knowing who he is talking to. He pulls himself up on his crib and playpen and will just hang there. He gives kisses when you make a kissy face and "Mmmmm" sound at him. He has now tried avocado, banana, strawberry, and kiwi. Six months means we're half way to his first birthday and it's going to go by and be here so fast! I'm just enjoying everyday and each moment of snuggles, giggles, and fun that I can.

No more photos please!

These toes!

Friday, August 10, 2012

First solids + Giveaway!

Demitri is 6 months old today!
I can hardly believe that half a year has flown by since he was born. He has grown so much!
As of today he weights 15 lbs 3 oz and is 26 inches tall.

Since he turned 4 months old I've been asked when I was going to give him his first solids. I decided to wait till he was 6 months old. By 6 months the gut is closed and the risk for food alergies is greatly reduced. The AAP now also follows WHO guidelines and recommends only breastmilk for the first 6+ months. The AAP used to say between 4-6 months but with more research now say to wait till at least 6 months.

I did a lot of thinking and searching as to what Demitri's first solid food should be. We are not doing purees so I wanted something I could cut up small enough for him to eat, soft enough that he could just mash it with his tongue, and what?

Avocado! It met all the requirements listed above, and we can get them super fresh out here in CA!

I contacted the Avocado Diva and told her about Demitri's up coming 1/2 year celebration and that he would be trying his first solid food and she sent me a special avocado for him. Here is the box I got in the mail. Just look at the size of that avocado! I've never seen one so big.

She sent it to me under ripe so by the time today rolled around it would be ready. I cut into it and it was perfect! The colors of the meat were beautiful, it was smooth and creamy, and had zero brown spots. 

Daddy gave it his approval. Since you know he HAD to make sure it was good enough for his little boy to eat.

So what is so special about this avocado you ask. You can read the whole story here, but here is a little background for those who do not have time to go read. 
"A very nice man emailed the Diva (after reading that story) to say his mom had a tree that was very old, produced some amazing avocados, and that soon the tree would probably have to be cut down. Sad! Avocado trees don't move well - it's not like you can dig it up (the root system would be several dozen feet wide, for one thing) - plus they just stop producing fruit after several decades. The great news is -- in February -- Brokaw Nursery called Mr. Davis and (yippee!!) the grafts worked well! They had several small trees growing - and Mr. Davis was SO kind - he gave the Diva one! Mr. Davis and his family will all attempt to grow them, as well as several other friends. So this tree will live on through the traditional process of cutting, grafting, and growing more "baby" trees - just like we've been doing in California since the Spanish landed near Dos Pueblos (above Santa Barbara) since the 1800's."

This avocado she sent us came from the tree that she was given, she even went and picked it herself! Talk about special.

So tonight I cut up the avocado and gave it to Demitri to try.

It was the first time he has tried anything other than mommy's milk (and I was nervous he would LOVE it and decide "to heck with nursing when I can have this!") he wasn't too sure about it at first. He liked the feeling of it squishing in his hands and sliding it around on his tray, but when I put a piece in his mouth (so he would get the idea it was ok to eat) he made the most funny (disgusted/shocked) face ever! 

After a few other times of putting some more tiny pieces in his mouth and making faces he seemed to start enjoying it. 

He tried picking up some of the avocado pieces himself and getting them into his mouth, but hand feeding it one of those "fine arts" he has yet to learn. He got it into his fist but then could not get it into his mouth. He still did such a good job!

Messy avocado face!

He got avocado everywhere. In his hair, his ears, his nose, up his arms, on his legs. A bath was a much needed thing tonight.

Thank you Avocado Diva for the yummy avocado!


The Diva has a Baby's First Avocado kit it comes with 4 in season avocados, a special wooden spoon, and an avocado saver. One lucky reader will get this kit either to use for their own baby or to give to a friend as a special unique gift! More about The Diva: The Avocado Diva is ALL about getting the best, unique, avocados from small ranches and farms up and down the California coast... and then shipping then to your door!  (note she can ship them outside of CA) You can try 2 or 3 varieties of avocados for a taste test! Or sign up for our "avocado of the month" club and get the variety that is in season FIRST! ...In all cases, we work with the local ranchers and farmers to ensure you get fresh, just-picked fruit, at the top of their season. ...We research recipes and ingredients, tools, oils, spices and more - and bring them to you on our website. Here you'll find tools to slice and mash your avocados into delicious sauces and "mole-s". Storage solutions for this precious fruit. Salts and spices to sprinkle on your heritage avocado's golden-green flesh."

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Growing too fast!

My little baby boy you are growing too fast!

Over the last couple weeks you have started: crawling, sitting yourself up, saying dada (and knowing who you're talking about), and this morning you decided to stand up by grabbing onto part of the crib and pulled yourself.
You just want to do it all.

In just one week you will be 6 months old! 
Half a year. How has half a year gone by so quickly? 
We'll have been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months that day as well. Mommy is pretty proud of that. It was a rough start for us with breastfeeding but WE stuck it out and you are a champ now! On your half birthday you will be trying his first solid food! Mommy is a little nervous about that. I am worried you will decide you like "real food" better and decide you don't "need me" any more.  That said, I am excited to see how you react to trying something other than mommy's milk for the first time. We have something special on it's way to you so hopefully you will like it, if he doesn't I know dada will.
I am not looking forward to the solid food poops though. Tossing those water soluble breastfed poops into the washer is much less of a hassle than having to rinse first.
Following my post about Demitri's first food I will be having a giveaway to go along with it, so be sure to check that out! It's going to be a unique giveaway that will either be good for your own baby's first food or a shower gift.

Since you will be 6 months old you will be starting swim lessons soon! You already love being in the water so daddy and I want you to learn to swim young and grow up knowing proper water safety. I'd almost positive you will love swim class.

You don't know it but so much has been going on. Dada has decided not to continue with school and is working on an enlistment package for joining the Air Force, we have been praying that it all goes fast and that he will be in by September, or October at the latest. So far it's all looking good.
It's going to be a huge change, for everybody, but after much talking and weighing options it looks to be the best thing for the family right now.  And it is work that dada enjoys doing. Mommy is nervous that dada will be gone too much and that he will miss out on so much of your milestones as you continue to grow; and you already hate when you see daddy getting ready to leave the house you start fussing at him. I cannot imagine how much it is going to break his heart when you start crying and crawling or running after him trying to get him to stay. But it will all work out for our little family and we will all adjust, and after a while daddy will be able to have more time off to stay home and just be with you which he wants to do more than anything.
Seriously little boy you have got that dada of your wrapped around your finger-that saying doesn't just apply to little girls and their daddy's.
I love getting pictures of you and daddy together! My two handsome men.

Looks like you are still napping so I'm going to go get something started for dinner for dada and myself.
Love you bunches!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Babywearing snuggles

I love babywearing. I love snuggles. I especially love babywearing snuggles on my birthday! I know I have said it before but babywearing has made life much easier while out and about. I get to keep baby close and still have my hands to do what I need to. Plus I get pretty accessories like this beauty you see here-Gira Night Rainbow 2 shorty with fringe. The cary I am using is called the Kangaroo cary and has become my go to for a fast wrap.