
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's been going on.

Hello out there!
My oh my things have been busy here. I've hardly had time to update as I wish to, but now that I am figuring out our new schedule I will be better!
So what have we been so busy with? Well, I've started my studies in placenta encapsulation to further help myself for when I start my doula training! I have been so excited and happy about it as it is something I have a true passion for (pregnancy and helping others) but it has been a lot of study to understand it.
I've been doing more self training with my camera/photography skills (DSRL for dummies anyone?). In just a week we will be heading to Texas where Daniel's family will FINALLY be meeting Demitri! We're both excited about it, and it should be plenty of fun! I'm a tad bit nervous about our first flight but I've gotten some tips from some awesome been-there-done-that moms on how to avoid running into any snags so *fingers crossed* it all goes smooth!

Oh we got a new wrap, again! His name is Glace'. He is beautiful and once again Demitri loved rolling around just playing in it when I pulled 'him' out of the plastic wrap. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rainbow, rainbow!

I bought a Girasol Night Rainbow wrap for my Rainbow baby boy! At the moment it is a "shorty" but I am going to have it turned into a sling and cannot wait! Here are a few pictures of Demitri playing in it right after I pulled it out of the box and tossed it on him. He just giggled and giggled. I'm so glad that he likes to be wrapped up and snuggled.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My first "real" Mothers day

Yesterday was my third mothers day since I first become a mother, but it was the first that anybody other than myself, Daniel, or other women who have been through the same thing recognized. And in a way it was my first real mothers day, because it was finally a happy day. I finally had that baby I had prayed so hard for in my arms. It was a little bitter sweet but mostly ALL sweet.
My mothers day started with waking up to a cooing, smiling, happy little boy and then changing his diaper. Ah motherhood!
Then Daniel brought me breakfast in bed and gave me one of my gifts (a 1 pound box of my favorite chocolates) and we just all snuggled and laughed in bed for a while.

My big present was the diaper bag I had been wanting, it even came with the cutest little boy ever!

When I was ready we got up and went to see my mom and tell her "happy mothers day" then we all hung out in the backyard for a while just enjoying being outside. Daniel and I sat on the swing while Demitri snuggled into me napping, and my bother went swimming in the pool.

After Demitri woke up he played on the slide with daddy (he LOVED it) and after that Daniel had us leave to go out to eat.

After going out to eat, we went to church. Daniel had to work but Demitri and I went to the family room to watch the service and I got to enjoy some more sweet snuggles!
While at church I just stared at Demitri and started to cry a little bit. I stared thinking of my friends who have lost children or still struggle to conceive and I just felt so blessed to have this healthy, sweet, little boy. That I am able to call him my son, that I get to love on him as much as I want whenever I want.

It was truly a great Mothers day

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

To ALL the mothers out there.
The ones who's children are grown
the ones who get to hold them and watch them grow
the ones who still wait to meet them
the ones who held them but had to say goodbye
and the ones who are still trying.

Happy mothers days

Now I am logging off for the day to enjoy what makes my Mothers Day so little boy. He's sitting right next to me right now just cooing and smiling away. I hope you are able to enjoy your mothers day as well no matter what stage you are at.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's a Star Wars life

Demitri chillin' in his Star Wars print fitted diaper just laying around in his crib with special Star Wars bedding mommy made. We're both amazed that daddy hasn't tried to claim both as his own.
People always ask Daniel and I "what if he doesn't like Star Wars?", well then he doesn't. It's not like we would disown him or anything over that. My parents are huge NASCAR fans but I hate it. It didn't stop them from enjoying it, it just meant that they didn't take me to the track with them when they went. I doubt that we will have the "problem" kids love to love what their parents love, especially what their daddy loves. And since daddy is a huge Star Wars nut Demitri will likely be into it as well, at least for a little while when he is growing up. If not who cares he will find his own thing to be into and just have to deal with it when Star Wars things do take place.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mustache

Hope you had a good day, things have been super busy around here, but we're always having fun and enjoying little man!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Avery's Bucket List

For those who haven't read Avery's Bucket List it's a beautiful blog "written by" little Avery, who was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) a deadly genetic diseases that happens to be the number one genetic killer of infants & children under the age of 2. At around 4 month old (March 2012) Avery was diagnosed Type 1 SMA. She and her parents were told then that she would likely not make it to 18 months of age. She passed away yesterday afternoon surrounded by the love of her mommy and daddy. SMA attacks the muscles which causes inefficiency of the major bodily organs, especially the respiratory system, eventually leading to death. 1 in 40 people are carriers of the SMA gene and currently there is no cure for. Not only is there no cure for SMA but when genetic testing is performed on the parents SMA test is not included. The first Avery's parents had ever heard of SMA was when her neurologist suspected she may have it and tested her then. Avery's bucket list was created to let Avery live as much of life as she could in the short time she was given, but her major goal was to always be raising awareness about SMA. I would say that she accomplished that goal. She had people sharing her story with their friends and even had a YAHOO! article posted about her blog. So, the point of this post is to help her keep her goal going and share her story with all of you in hopes that it will raise further awareness about SMA. A way we can ALL help her AND her friends (that have also been diagnosed with SMA) is to help her finish one of her newer goals which is to raise remaining $365,000 (out of $1mil) needed to bring Dr. Kaspar's SMA Gene Therapy program out of the lab and into her SMA friends. Dr. Kaspar's SMA Gene Therapy could cure Avery's friends OR at the very least offer advancements towards a cure for them.
Please visit Avery's Bucket List to read more of her story and more about SMA. Rest In Peace Avery Lynn Canahuati 11/11/11 - 04/30/12
Click here to donate to Dr. Kaspar's SMA Gene Therapy through Sophia's Cure which is a non-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible. You can even make your donation in Avery's name if you want. Please share her and her friends story to raise even more awareness about SMA.