
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30 weeks!

10 weeks to go!

I had an appointment with my actual OB this morning (not my midwife who I typically see). It was just a regular check in; weight, blood pressure, doppler, measure, the usual. Fundal height (how big the uterus is) appears to be right on track, and as usual when the doppler was placed to listen to D's heartbeat he went "running" so the Dr had to keep chasing him. His heart beat is still hold strong at 140 beats per minute. He was really active during the appointment and kept pushing part out so the Dr felt around and said that he is still head down so that's his little butt that he was pushing out there. I was actually glad to hear that since I was convinced he was turned sideways as I get kicks and punches on both sides at the same time. Dr said that they can flip around and around several times with in a matter of minutes so while he is head down now after lunch he could flip and then flip back again. It's all fine with me so long as once I am in labor he is head down and ready to go!

I was able to talk to her and ask a few questions that I had concerning birthing at the hospital. I made it clear that we had wanted to use a birth center but Kaiser would not cover a penny of it so that sadly took it out of the cards, but I still wanted to have a natural unmedicated birthing experience. She said that the staff should be supportive of my choices and that if I have a birth plan already written up (which I do) to bring it in for her to review and make sure that everything would be fine with hospital policy. As I had long suspected Kaiser does rotations of the L&D Dr's. Meaning that it's a 99% sure thing that I will not have my OB or my midwife there during the birth, it will just be whatever Dr happens to be on rotation that day.
On one hand I am fine with this because really it seems all the Dr does is come in and check from time to time then catch the baby (which we plan to have Daniel to anyways so that takes that "job" away from them). So most of the interaction is between you and the nurses on the clock during that time, but on the other hand I know that both my OB and my midwife are supportive of my choices/requests regarding birthing that I have already made vocal. This Dr on call may have something different in their head and make things slightly more difficult for me that I am hoping...but we will just have to wait and see. From talking with my OB it sounds like so long as there are no actual emergencies then they will stick to my plan.

It's really crazy that this is the last double digit week in the count down. It's all just flying by so fast and it keeps hitting me than in just about 10 weeks our little man will be here! It trips me out so bad. There is actually going to be this little human that we are responsible for 24/7. And I think oh my gosh what if I can't handle it, what if I just suck at being his mom. I was telling Daniel the other night that a small part of me wished he would stay put because it's so much easier to take care of him in there. He laughed at me and said by mid January I will be getting tired of being pregnant and just ready for him to be here.

Seriously though I can't seem to fully wrap my mind around it.
I mean see the crib and dresser all set up with his clothes, diapers, and other things just sitting there waiting for him to get here. And I can not wait to hold him and kiss him and just stare at his beautiful face but I still can't believe that it has gone by so quickly. Luckily I am not alone in "freaking out that it's so close and not feeling ready", even second, third, or more time moms have all said that they just can't believe it either and are getting anxious about it being so close.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The day after Thanksgiving

So the day after Thanksgiving my family always sets up the Christmas tree, and no sooner! So yesterday we got the tree down, put the garland up, and started decorating. Each year we do a different theme for the tree decorations last year is was white/crystal and this year we are doing Disney! It was fun going through the boxes of ornaments and remembering playing with them all the time as a kid (seriously the ornaments were actually my toys that my parents eventually took and put hooks in to use).
The morning started out with homemade hot coco and homemade whipped cream (by yours truly)
I munched on some Pfeffernüsse cookies while sipping my hot coco and thought of when I lived in Germany. I miss the cold weather and how the seasons actually changed and the baked goods seriously yumm!
Ornaments for the tree!
More ornament boxes
I'll have more pictures after we get everything all decorated and pretty looking.

Monday, November 21, 2011

29 weeks!

Oh goodness I totally thought about making this post earlier today when I was on but apparently never got started. Well we're at the 29 week mark! 11 weeks to go which ends up being only 77 days! As said in each weekly post update time is just flying! Thanksgiving is this week (actually in just a few more days!) Our maternity photo shoot is the first weekend in December, last minute Christmas preparations, and then Christmas and New Years!
Oh yeah Daniel got his hair cut this last weekend. And here we are at my cousins wedding. Right before hitting 29 weeks. Yes I wore heels!

Daniel and I must be nuts because we are thinking of heading to Target at midnight for Black Friday shopping. We will probably not end up going because it would be so early/late and there will be so many psychotic people (I think it was last year that people were trampled when doors opened) but never the less we are currently thinking of heading there to check out if they have any crazy good deals on baby/kids clothes.

Yesterday we had Daniels "I Am Your Father" party. It was just a chance for he and his friends to get together and for them to say "congrats". There was hotdogs, chips, drinks, sweets/cake, and football! There was a lot of talking, laughing, and just acting like guys going on so I think that they enjoyed themselves. I wish I had been able to get pictures but my camera battery was dead so sadly I didn't get any. Bummer but oh well.

Nothing new with getting the room ready. Except the cats who totally ignored the crib the first few days if it being up have now claimed it as their own. It's really cute seeing them snuggling in it but I am going to have to find a way to get them out of it without kicking them out of the room. I know that with my moms daycare kids they would just hop into the sleeping areas when the kids were not there but when the kids were they wanted nothing to do with it so hopefully it will work out like that but if not I will just have to look into one of those mesh tent things. But at least I still find them sleeping on the couch more than anything else so that's a good thing.
Jack approves of the crib and the Star Wars sheets.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nursery in progress

Yay we finally started working on the nursery! I am pretty excited about it. i kept bugging Daniel about it yesterday but he said no not till today. So the crib is now set up and the bedding is sitting in it looking pretty, next we have to patch up the couple holes in the wall (from old shelves) and paint! After that we'll get the new shelves put up and D's Star Wars toy decor on them! It will definitely look great when it's all finished, I ordered a few things yesterday (bobble head to go with the one we already have and this sick Wampa rug that I have wanted for a long time but had no reason to get till now!)
Obviously full pictures will be up when we are completely done with it but here are pictures of today's progress.
Dad getting started on setting up the crib!
Halfway done
The last crew going in
And complete!
Bottom sheet that I "made". I need to decide on making bumpers or not.
D's blanket and teddy bear that we made for him (and Dad's lightsaber)

Daniel is definitely stoked about it all, he has been telling me since we got married that he wanted to make his son's room Star Wars themed, at first I wasn't all for it but I'm glad that we are doing it now it's been fun finding stuff for it and seeing him enjoy setting things up.
Now to get him excited about fixing the wall and painting. Mission impossible-accepted!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I made a collage last night of bump pictures from 19 weeks when I first truly noticed a bump to yesterday at 28 weeks.
Sorry if the picture is super small for some reason when I upload the collage pictures they shrink down like crazy.

Also because I really like this picture from yesterday. Me and our kitten Abby; can't you just tell from the face she is making that she just loves getting kisses.
Today things start getting moved around more in preparation for setting up the crib and changing table! I was debating with myself yesterday if I should wait till after we paint the one wall that the crib will be up against but figured the floor is tile it will be easy enough to slide everything away from the wall and out of the way to paint it then just push it all back after the paint is dry, so nope here we go. I was hoping that we would actually get started on constructing the crib today but Daniel has so much going on that it will have to wait till either Thursday or just this weekend. But regardless of when we get started this or next week I will be sure to post pictures.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Third Trimester! & a Baby Shower!

I had my baby shower yesterday (may seem early to some but my out of state family [my side] was all here so it worked out!) and anyways it ended up being great!
I was super bummed out that morning though because so many of my friends messaged me last minute canceling on coming. So yeah it bummed me out because I just really wanted all my friends to be there and celebrate with me and share in my joy. But oh well things happen and about 20 or so people still showed and we all had a really great time. We hung out for a bit just chatting and eating then we played a few games, opened a few presents, did a raffle giveaway, played another game, then went back to cake and presents.
Wine basket for raffle
Pasta basket
Coffee basket
Game prizes
Thank You favors for guests!

I feel so incredibly blessed, we got so much stuff that even though I had it on my registry I never expected to get it. Like we are set on those big basic things that you need.
Some of the presents that we were blessed to have been given!

We got a pack n play, baby tub spa (didn't even register for it just a really basic one), vibrating swing, boppy/covers, high chair, some crazy gift cards, clothes/blankets, and the convertible car seat we had wanted(seriously never expected to have anybody get that for us!)
Even crazier is I only had two duplicate things (one onsie set and one boppy cover). Most people can't say that and end up having to exchange a ton of things.

The baby bath spa
Opening up more gifts
Swing from Daniel's parents & the large stack of things I had already opened
I was so surprised that we received the convertible car seat we had registered for!
My out of state friends messaged me as well saying that there wished that they could be there to celebrate but that they had sent off a gift for D and it should be getting here soon, so I have even more to look forward to. Seriously I feel so blessed!

Now I just need to reorganize things (again) and find homes for all this stuff, and I finally get to start working on our "nursery". Daniel wouldn't let me start till after the shower, so looks like next month I will be getting paint and starting on that! So exciting.

And now here we are, 28 weeks pregnant and in the third and final trimester! About 12 weeks to go till D should be making his arrival and as I always say it's going to go by so fast! As soon as I fix myself up and get out of my PJs I will have Daniel take a bump picture for me to put up.
Here we are at 28 weeks

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all our service members who sacrifice to keep our country safe from all threats foreign and domestic. Thank you to the families who loved once have made the ultimate sacrifice and the ones who hold down the home when their loved ones are away.

I'm proud of my husband and all that he accomplished while in his active duty military career and still so proud of him today and what he plans to continue to accomplish. I'm thankful for people who are selfless enough to sign their rights and lives away to allow us to have ours!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wrapped in cool

D you are going to be one cool kid.
What with your custom made Star Wars themed room, all the toys you will be passed down, and of course your rockin parents. Today I have been working on making you your blanket (that I will wrap you in at the hospital and on the way home).
It's nothing fancy but it looks pretty sweet and it's super soft and squishy. Plus you will look adorable wrapped up in it and dragging it around behind you when you get older. I am making your amazing Star Wars blanket from a true vintage pillow case that I just took the seems out of and a brown minky blanket with satin boarder. Both dad and I think that it looks great, it does bug me a little the the print is face opposite of each other but dad says that will just make it so people can always see what it is and bask in the awe of Star Wars. Your dad is a bit of a dork but you will learn to love him.

Oh, I can not wait to actually get your room started! I have sooooo many ideas in my head that all look great I just need to get them organized and out there so they can be even more amazing! I'm going to try and keep it simple though and not over do it, I think that will be best, you know not to cluttered or overwhelming.

Monday, November 7, 2011

27 weeks!

Well this is the last week of being in the second trimester. Next week we will be in the third. Right now we have 13 weeks to go, so just one week over 3 months! It's going to go by SO quickly!
Our baby shower is this coming Sunday and I am so excited for it. I can't wait to see people and celebrate with them, play all the silly games, and just enjoy it all!

D is close to the size of a large cabbage, and getting bigger and bigger each day. He's 2+ pounds and 14+ inches long. He was head down at our L&D ultrasound and still had his feet tucked up by his head, but the last couple days he has been loving to uncurl and push those little feet up and press those tiny toes out. And let me tell you those tiny toes pressing in the same spot over and over hurts after a while, like I swear I have a bruise from it.

I have had horrible heartburn for the last few days that will just not give up. I am starting to think that tomato based products/sauces could be the cause of the problem so I am going to be sure to cut those from my diet in hopes that the heartburn goes away and stays away. I know that the old wives tales says that if you have heartburn then your baby will be born with hair if that's true then D should have a good amount of hair because ugh this heartburn is nasty.
My hips and lower back don't hurt as much recently which is nice and has allowed me to sleep a little easier but my mid back and ribs are now hurting which makes walking, sitting in certain positions, and oh yeah breathing uncomfortable occasionally. I assume that because of the continued shift in uterus position moving up and squishing organs more is the cause of the pain as well as the increased heartburn. Oh well.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Saving Money While In College (Campus Book Rental)

I may or may not have mentioned before but my husband is going to college as a full time student. That means that each new semester he gets new classes, new teachers, and a whole new list of books to buy. Some of his teachers seem to love having their required book to be the newest addition and so the cost for getting all those books adds up FAST.

Well I then heard about and decided to check it out. Unfortunately I heard about it about half way through the current semester so all the books Daniel needed were already rented out to other students, and we had already paid some ridicules prices to BUY his books. We decided to still look around the site and check to see if they even had listing for the books he would have needed because we had an extremely difficult time finding them anywhere else online. They did! And for a pretty darn reasonable prices (especially considering it was the newest addition, and we had just bought it for more than double that amount).
Some specific info I discovered about are:
-That they offer their textbooks at 40-90% off bookstore prices (including the newest additions from what I saw).
-Free shipping both ways (that means you don't have to spend your own money to send the book back when you are done).
-They have flexible renting periods (because some classes don't actually go the whole semester and there's no point in spending money to rent a book you don't need any longer).
-The largest selection of textbooks in the nation (we couldn't even find some of Daniels needed books on Amazon).
-You can highlight in the books (guess that would be useful to a student as they wouldn't need to copy page after page of notes).
- & They donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented! (For more info on Operation Smile or to donate please click the above link)

I told Daniel that as soon as he gets signed up for next semesters classes and knows what books he will be needing we are heading to that site and trying to RENT them!
I really like the idea of renting the books and sending them back once the class is over with. It saves us money number one, it's really more economical, and I don't have a ton of 2+ inch thick books just sitting around my house taking up room while trying to resell them (really have you tried to resell stuff on Amazon, it's just annoying).
I also really like that a portion of each "sale" that is made is donated to Operation Smile because it's a very worthy cause to donate too.

I would recommend that any student in need to textbooks for the semester and hoping to save some cash definitely make the number one place to check on your list! Out of all the textbook rental sites I have seen/checked out it is by far the most superior and I do not believe that you will be disappointed.

This was a sponsored post written about for all opinions and words held with in are 100% my own.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late night or Early morning?

Last night around 11 I went to the bathroom and saw some spotting. Of course I immediately freak out, Daniel tells me to call down to L&D and see what they say. They ask me a few questions all of which could be a reason for spotting but of course my answer for those it no, no, not in a while no. I also mentioned that I had noticed decreased fetal movement and normally he is very active. So the nurse said "well some random spotting can be normal but you can come down and get checked out anyways just to make sure it's nothing" So I grab my wallet, a jacket, slippers and head out the door. It's only about a half hour drive so we got there made our way through the maze that is L&D (seriously no wonder they tell you to take a tour!) get checked in and they hook me up to like 6 different wires right away. I guess D was very active because they had a hard time getting the monitor to pick up his heart beat and even when they did they had to keep coming back in to move it. They gave me a buzzer so click each time I felt him move. For a while I could hear him moving with the doppler things they had strapped to me but I couldn't feel it. I eventually did and I had enough clicks that they were happy with his movement.
The Dr eventually came in and did an exam, she did not see any reason for the spotting and no additional blood which was good. But wanted to do an ultrasound to check my cervix. It was still long and closed so she said that was great. Then she checked D out on the ultrasound he was moving around a good bit and again his heartbeat was nice and strong.
So everything was fine, but I am glad that we went down because it put my mind at ease. Hopefully we wont be back there (other than the hospital tour) till February though when we will actually be having our baby!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Newborn & Cloth Event

Over at One More Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and Life With My Littles they are joining together and having a Newborn and Cloth Event (aka giveaway). It start November 11th and I'm pretty darn excited about it as D will be arriving anytime from January-February (newborn) and we will be cloth diapering him (the cloth part). So anyways if you have a newborn or cloth diaper you should try and remember to check it out!
One More Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest