
Monday, May 30, 2011

Is this it? Is the journey finally over?

Hey anybody notice my blog title change?

After 21 long months, and two heartbreaking miscarriages, it looks like our journey might finally be over. I took a test this morning (10 days past ovulation) not expecting anything, but after 2-3 minutes there was what looked like a light pink line. But I knew that with the brand of test I had taken they had been having problem with "indent line" so I sent a picture of it to a friend of mine to "tweak" (enhance the color of the test to make the line, if there is any, more visible). She was able to pull something. So I went out and picked up a digital, unfortunately all they had were Clearblue digital's and those need 25mlU of hCG to read positive and with how light my test line from this morning was I figured there was no way but the temptation was too much.

So still not being convinced I held my pee and took the test. I put the cap on it put it back down on the counter and walked out. I told Daniel to go look at it for me because I was so nervous.
Well he decided that it would be fun to torture me before telling me what the results of my digital test were. He walked in and picked it up and was like "oh are you sure you want to know?" "What are we having for dinner?" "I'm just going to make you wait till tomorrow" Ugh stop torturing me man and tell me what it says!!!

I'm glad to say that he told me "come here and give me a kiss, you're going to be a mama!"

I'm so so so so so very excited, a little nervous but mostly excited! I called my Dr's office and left a message that I had received a positive home pregnancy test and needed to have a progesterone supplements ordered for me to pick up. They should be calling tomorrow so I can do that. I just have a good feeling about this pregnancy/baby. This just has to be it after everything that we have been through.
Daniel and I don't plan to tell our families till closer to the end of the first trimester (so hopefully they don't see this post lol) but i needed to tell "somebody" and just get it out there because I am so excited!


  1. Oh Congrats! YOu will be in my prayers, cannot wait to read about this journey! Those family planning charts are crazy, it is amazing how anyone can get pregnant knowing how everything has to line up perfect. But, it looks like you are tracking great! Best to you!

  2. Congrats!!! So very happy for you, this post even made me tear up a little! Congrats again and I wish you the best of luck!

  3. YES!!!! So super excited for you! Sending you sweet and wonderful pregnancy energy :)

  4. I started reading your blog from babycenter and dont comment often but i had to leave a quick comment to say CONGRATS!!!!! I am sending positive thoughts your way and i hope from the bottom of my heart that is what you have been waiting for!! YAY!!

  5. Oh no, my comment disappeared! I was saying that i started following you from babycenter and although i dont comment often i just had to say congrats!! I am sending positive thoughts your way!! YAY!!

  6. Oh my gosh!!! CONGRATS MAMA!, Whatever you do TAKE IT EASY!
    AHHHH I'm so excited!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. I'm so so happy for. I'm overwhelmed with joy. I know what it feels like for your wish to come true. Congrats and wishing you all the best. Just stopping by to say hello.

  8. AHHHHHHH! This is so awesome! I'm so thrilled for you! Congratulations!

  9. YAYYYY!!!!!! PREGGERS!!!!!!!! CONGRATS MAMA!!! =)


  11. congrats girl! Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way! ((HUGS))

  12. Congratulations I can't wait to read about your journey into motherhood. Tell your DH he was not funny stringing you along LOL. :)

  13. Congrats Liz! I hope the prescription is called in for you already and you get your rainbow! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

  14. Congrats Liz! I hope the prescription is called in for you already and you get your rainbow! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

  15. Congrats Liz! I hope the prescription is called in for you already and you get your rainbow! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

  16. Congrats. I wish you much health and success.

  17. Yay!!!!!! I am SO excited for you!! I am wishing you so many good thoughts right now. :)

  18. So happy for all of you. I will pray you feel well, glow and enjoy being pregnant!

  19. YAY! CONGRATS! I cannot wait to tag along on your journey! I'm so happy for you right now I wish I could just give you a big hug! You guys will be in our prayers and sending many good thoughts and blessings your way!

  20. Congratulations, I will be praying that you will have a safe and blessed pregnancy.

  21. Prayers everything goes smoothly for you! We are in the same boat! We have also had two miscarriages and just found out we're pregnant again...still keeping it quiet though.

  22. Congrats!!! I can't wait to follow you on your journey!!!
