
Sunday, May 15, 2011

It rained today

It was raining pretty hard this morning.
I enjoyed it (from inside my house).

I can't speak for everybody else but at least for me, rain is AWLAYS welcomed here in southern California. We don't get enough of it and that's why pretty much every year the whole southern half of the state catches on fire. (You know not cutting down dead brush and doing control burns doesn't help one bit either!) Last year we were lucky enough to have gotten enough rain that we didn't have any big fires, I doubt that we will be so lucky this year. As I said living in southern California we don't see a lot of rain so it's becomes somewhat of a novelty thing for most people. I love it, it gives me an excuse to stay in side curled up on the couch watching TV or reading. Unfortunately the rain didn't last long and by 1300 the sun was out and shining bright again. But it reminded me of my very first blog posting from back in 2008 (different blog). Figured I would re-post and share and heck it's always fun to look back at old posts/writing and see what has changed (if anything).

Yesterday I was awoken by a loud crack of thunder, and then the rain started pouring down. It didn't last long though....A few moments later my sister came running in, soaking wet and dragged me outside to look at the rainbow. It was one of the biggest rainbows that I had ever seen and each color was so bright and vivid, it was just beautiful. It was a totally freak storm that nobody predicted, but it flooded some areas of town, including my backyard lol...For some reason today that just got me thinking that to get to what is beautiful in life you had to sometimes deal with the "down pour". It may be difficult but the reward for making it through is worth it, even if it only lasts for a short time. Obviously it was the same with Noah. Even with all the evil going on in the world God saw Noah and saw that he was still faithful and good, and rewarded him greatly for that... So really this has nothing to do with rain but the fact that if through hard situation [any situation for that matter] we rely on God, keeping in mind that he knows/wants what is best for us, our faith will be stronger and we will be rewarded for it...
Genesis 9: 12-16 Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the flood waters destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.”

Well it appears that my mindset and outlook on things hasn't changed all that much in the last 3 years. I still believe that if you hang on through the storm you will find what you are looking for. That there is a silver lining to every cloud you just have to be patient and look for it. Now while I do more often than not have a positive outlook on things and try not to let things get me to down I am only a woman and those hormones and emotions get the best of me and I break. But I just cry it out and whine and moan about it for a while then get back up and throw that smile back on.


  1. new follower from the hop!

  2. I just found your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I live in Carlsbad so I think we live close. I can relate to the fires and very little rain. I look forward to following you!

  3. This is such an inspirational post, E! I love the rainbows after a long rainy day too:) So glad i discovered your blog and I am now following you thanks to Sunday Blog Hop, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also don't forget to tune in today, because we have a special guest with us and it comes along with lots of presents and surprises for everybody! So don't miss it out. See you there!
    Happy Monday

  4. Hey there girl! This is a great blog! I am see you are ttc! Me too! I am going for UVF treatments right now! :) I truly hope that God will bless you with a child soon!

  5. I kinda needed this post this morning. Thank you. I'm a new GFC follower from Magnificent Monday Blog Hop.

  6. What a lovely post! I love the rain too and we need it badly here in south TX! Thanks for stopping by Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's! I'm looking forward to your post.

  7. Love your most positive a new follower from the Monday hop, hope you will visit:

  8. Thanks for stopping by! Following you back, and yes the photo was from my wedding :) I love the name of your blog!!!
