
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On to another cycle

Well this last cycle, my second medicated cycle, was a bust. My dear Aunt Flo showed up right on time. And apparently I did something to tick her off because man is she kicking my butt this time! Ouch. So I had already decided this from the very beginning when I first started clomid (which feels like so long ago now even it has only been two cycles) but I will be taking a drug break over the summer. So from now till at least the end of July I'm going to be med free. I'm not sure what my cycle will be like but I don't care I need the break. I don't know how many of you out there have ever been on clomid but it does a number on you, and when it fails it just makes it suck all the more. Oh well though it's disappointing but not unexpected and as usual it wont stop me from trying again!


  1. I took two rounds of Clomid then stopped. My last round was April. I ended up getting pregnant in August. Not saying it will happen for you too but my doctors told me that maybe my body just needed a little extra kick in the you know what and it took a few cycles to realize what it should be doing. Good luck with everything. I love that you haven't lost faith and won't quit!!

  2. Thanks for following back, sorry to hear your aunt showed up : ( .It took me 6 months to get pregnant with the twins and I had to give up all caffeine , tea, chocolate & de-caff too because it has a small trace of caffeine. In 3 weeks time I was preggo...hope it helps!

  3. I know exactly how you feel, especially on how clomid does a number on you and how AF is kicking your butt this time around. I noticed that after 50mg of clomid, that 1st AF was awful! It was really heavy, crampy, and painful. I hope it lets up soon and that this break is exactly what you need=) Good luck!

  4. Caffeine in itself isn't bad for fertility, estrogen can be found in substances that do have caffeine but again that in itself isn't bad provided you don't already have an estrogen dominance issue. I don't, I have to little and to take forever to rise. So for me caffeine isn't the problem plus I don't drink coffee (it's just yucky to me) and soda is rare unless I buy the organic kind but that get very expensive!
    6 months is well with in the normal time frame for conception, yay for twins! =)

  5. Ugh, sorry to hear the bad news :(

    I have a different fun (not) problem - my period won't stop! Hormones are (apparently) all out of whack and am taking whole pack of birth control in one week. Sucks.

    Sorry for venting.

  6. I flipping love your cant get you down attitude!!! keep that up girl!!! Before you know it you'll be pregnant!!! I love your blog LOVE it!! Im soo excited to follow you on your journey!!!

  7. Hey girl! Thanks for the positive comment and follow! I'm following you back:-) I know youre frustrated and I know what your going through after 2 years of TTC, 1 miscarriage, and now IVF! Don't get your hopes down and I know it's hard because I hated when people told me "just relax" hah but just try to! If you ever need anything or someone to talk to you can email me at!! Have a wonderful weekend

  8. Just found your blog - I hope you are successful soon. Our infertility was only "resolved" through foster-to-adopt.

  9. Thanks for being a new follower for me, I will be following you now too! I hope the very best for you in this journey! I know you'll be blessed some day, and hopefully soon!

