
Monday, May 2, 2011

Just for fun...psychic reading

So I have several (online) friends who have all had a psychic reading done, just for fun, though some people have found that what they were told was accurate and lined up with what was going on in their lives. Now I do believe in a spiritual realm and that some people are more spiritually sensitive than others so they may be able to tap into it and see things but I don't really place my faith in what they say. It's just for fun and that's what you have to tell yourself when you get any form of psychic reading done. So anyways they had all had a reading done recently by one psychic in particular "Stormy" I figured what the heck their reads have all been really fun to read I'll get one myself. I ordered it from her website close to midnight on Friday and got a reply back from her this morning! Pretty fast turn around time.
Anyways here is what she said:

Hi E,

I'm sorry this took me awhile to get to, I'm really backed up right now and it didn't help that a few days ago all the power went out for the day in my neighborhood.

When I gain a connection to the energies around you, there is one energy that approaches to help me through this. You do have several guiding energies around you E but this one is more focused on your journey to have a baby. I am told that these losses have hit you hard and that they have created all these new doubts about a pregnancy actually lasting for you. I am being shown that this fear you have is understandable but I also sense that you will not have to go through it again, I am shown that you have gone through so much trying for this baby and that you have finally made yourself stop stressing about things and just letting them happen. I am also assured that you are on the right pathway to the conception of your baby E.

There is another energy I am shown that is a female and presented in an infant form, this is your energies way of letting me know that a baby is coming very soon, I usually will not see any energies like this unless a baby is coming within the next 7 or 8 months. All though I do see this baby very clearly, she is at a distance and almost hides herself from me. I don't sense that anything is wrong and when I turn my attention to this your guiding energy insists that this is a shy soul. You will most likely see this in her at a young age. They show me as well that she will be very connected to you through life and I sense that this will be a bit of separation anxiety you'll have to go through with her.

I turn my attention to when this baby is planning on showing up and I am told that she has been waiting around you for a long time but is awaiting the perfect moment to come. I come across this answer quite a bit in readings about conception. Your guiding energy is showing me the month of January and I sense that this will be a conception month of your daughter. I also get the feeling that this will be an exiting time for you, not just from a pregnancy, I am shown that there will be different things happening in your life at this time and a baby will just add that much more to celebrate about.

I am actually shown that this will have something to do with your husband and his career. Good news should be coming in January for your family E.

Your guiding energies are showing me that you are in good health but that this is something else that adds a bit of fear within you, I sense that this is heath concerns you have had a long time ago that you are worried will re appear or cause more problems. I am also sensing that you have taken many steps in fixing this through a healthy lifestyle. I am shown that certain routines you have had in the past have changed and are leading into a very healthy life.

I turn my attention now to any future children that may be showing up and I do sense that there will be 2 kids in your life. I don't like to relay what I am not 100% sure about but I sense that these are 2 more, after this next pregnancy. Your guiding energies are insisting that you are going to be having a growing family very soon after a long troubling wait.

You and your husband are very connected to each other and share the same need for a baby, I am actually being shown that you have set this thought together into the world and your prayer will be answered soon E.

I am also being told that your miscarriage's were not your fault and that all though you may blame yourself this was in fact a choice made by these individual souls. They still center themselves around you E and I sense that both of them may be showing up for you again at a later date. One of your losses was a boy and he stands out right now for me, I think you will find him re appear in your life after you have your daughter, he knows that he is loved.

You are a dedicated wife and feel you deserve to be able to spread this dedication and love onto other family members. You will get your chance E, I sense this little girl will be showing up by the end of the year, January stands out to me but I also sense she is still in the debating phase of when to come, you may find her show up earlier than January.

I hope you get your positive pregnancy test sooner than later.


So as I said I don't put much weight into psychics but I cried when I read this I cried hard, especially when she said that one of the babies I miscarried was a boy cause I knew one had been. So that definitely hit me hard. I would love to believe this and see it all put into play and actually happen, but who knows what will actually happen...we'll see. Either way it was fun to read what she saw/found definitely lifted my spirit this morning which is always good. If you would like to get your own reading I have Stormy's website linked up at the top.

OH! Ultrasound results are back and everything is normal, so yes I was freaking out for no reason. My Dr said that if my/Daniel's chromosomal tests come back normal she is going to refer me to a Perinatologist (a Dr who specialist in the placenta and development). So that's good that all my hidden goods are healthy and in proper place!


  1. Thanks for stopping by and for the follow!

    Congrats to you and hope everything goes well.

  2. Hello! Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower of Finger Click Saver. I came to return the love. I once had a neighbor of mine's friend do a reading on me. The whole thing blew me away. She said things that no one, not even my neighbor, knew. So far the only thing she saw that hasn't that she saw me working in a bakery. Haven't been there yet...but ya never know! Have a great week!

  3. That is so neat. I have always wanted to do one of those just to see what they would say:) If anything maybe it will help you to just let it be and in January your sweet baby will be in your belly!! :)
    I can't wait to see!!
    Thanks for joining back in with Hop a little tuesday! I am just coming by to say hi!

  4. Oh, what a journey you are on....I hope all the best for you and your family.
    So happy to have found your blog on the hop. Can't wait to read more posts. :)

  5. Hello Elizabeth, found you at the Hop a Little Tuesday.

    It must've been difficult, the journey you've been on trying to conceive a baby. Yet from your posts, it seems to me that you're such a strong and well-rounded person! I read your short bio, and I must say that your husband is very lucky to have such a lovely wife!

    I also read your post above, and I pictured you crying over it, and oh I so feel your pain. I hope that you stay positive and never give up. I'm glad to read that the test results came back all normal! I believe that God's timing is always right, and it might be different from our plans, but He will always listen to our prayers.

    Be strong, and my prayers are with you:)

  6. New follower here, I hope you'll follow me back!!!!

  7. New follower from the Tuesday Blog hop. I have to tell you your post from yesterday made me cry. I lost a baby and my left tube in early 2010. My thoughts are with you.

  8. Thank You for joining the Fun Tuesday Hop.
    I am a new follower :)

    I LOVE your header.. good luck in your journey into motherhood.

  9. This is really interesting. If you're interested, I run a paranormal blog where I offer bloggers to write guest posts of their paranormal experiences. This could included if you want.

    I'm always looking for new material. I have recently published a fiction paranormal novel based on my own life as a medium.

    The paranormal blog is

    My main blog is Crystal Jigsaw
    CJ xx

  10. Hi, me again. If it's okay with you I'll copy and paste this post onto my blog - email me if you can at

    I'll do it tonight.

    Many thanks xx
